About Seminary

The theological seminary established in Udayagiri, Mulanthuruty is a prestigious spiritual institution and milestone of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church, especially for its segment in India namely Malankara Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church. Seminaries are always the institutions of paramount importance in every apostolic church as it is through the clergy who are trained and ordained on completion of the theological studies, that the church is equipped to endure its divine mission in the world.

Seminary Hostel

Seminary hostel accommodates 100 students and 20 faculties. Each room is furnished with sufficient cots, writing desks, chairs and bookcases. A well equipped mess which can accommodate 150 people is being run inside the hostel. Guest Rooms are also available in our Campus. We accommodate the clergies, missionaries, and believers who come to visit the Seminary.

V. Rev. Michael Ramban Hostel Warden


The most noteworthy among the facilities provided in the seminary includes the new library, a well equipped computer lab with internet facility, a modern lecture hall, an audio visual room with amenities for audio and video recording, editing etc.