Giving to MSOT Seminary:FAQ

1. Does my contribution to MSOT Seminary really make a difference?

 Yes, every contribution/gift of any size makes a difference. All gifts help provide seminarians with an excellent education, and community life.

2. How will my contribution to be used?

 Contributions/gifts provide a vital flow of economic support for the Seminary and its immediate needs, helping us to sustain our facilities, support a stellar faculty, and supply student scholarships.

3. What are the different ways I can make a contribution to MSOT Seminary?

 Cheque and DDs

Cheques should be made payable to

"Principal, MSOT Seminary" and mailed to:
MSOT Seminary, Vettickal P.O.,
Mulanthuruthy, Ernakulam, Kerala- 682314

Electronic Funds Transfer You can give your contribution through the following account

Principal, M.S.O.T. Seminary
Federal Bank
Mulanthuruthy Branch
A/c No: 11410100043320
IFSC: FDRL0001141


Principal, M.S.O.T. Seminary
South Indian Bank
MSOT Seminary EC Branch,
Vettickal P.O. Mulanthuruthy.
A/c No: 0897073000000001
IFSC: SIBL0000050

You can give your foreign contribution through the following FCRA account

Name of the Account Holder: MSOT Seminary
Account Number : 40108967467
Bank : State Bank of India, Main Branch, New Delhi
Type of Account : FCRA Current Account
IFSC Code : SBIN0000691
Swift Code : SBININBB104
Branch Code:691

4. What are the advantages of donating online?

 Online credit card donations are a cost-efficient way and they allow for speedier processing by the Seminary and save donors postage expense

5. Can I make an anonymous donation?

 Yes. Let us know if you wish that your contribution remain anonymous.

6. How will MSOT Seminary recognize my contribution?

 Each year, we list each of our generous donors in our Annual Report. We recognize gifts according to our fiscal year, which runs from April 1st to March 31st . Your contributions/gifts must be received prior to June 30th to be applied to the same current fiscal year and included in this listing.

7. Can my company or foundation give to MSOT Seminary?

 We welcome contributions/gifts from corporations and foundations. Such contributions/gifts have a direct and lasting impact on the seminary, our students, our faculty, and the Church. If you are interested in learning about how you can contribute to the future of the Seminary, please contact us.

8. May I give a contribution to MSOT Seminary in memory or in honor of someone?

 Contributions and gifts can be made in memory or honor of a family member, classmate, priest, professor, friend, and so forth. Simply include a note with your donation explaining your intent. If you wish for your gift to be in memory of a departed loved one, please inform us so that we may add him or her to the prayer list in our seminary chapel. If you wish us to contact the honoree or the relatives of the deceased, please inform the Seminary of the address, if you have it available.

9. Does the seminary have a contribution acceptance policy?

 We appreciate our supporters, who partner with us in a multitude of ways. Because of them, our students receive much-needed scholarships; our faculty can perform scholarly research; our school can present programs of Orthodox Christian outreach; our publication department can publish books; and we can maintain the buildings on our beautiful campus that house our community.

10. I still have questions. Where can I get more information?

 You can receive additional information from the Office: (0) 484- 2748061 or