Our Vision

Educate disciples whose minds, character and lives are shaped by the Word of God, who understand and communicate Scripture with skill and are committed to reaching the world for Christ.

Our Mission

The basic objective of the Seminary is to give training for the future leaders of the Church. To equip the students with biblical, theological, liturgical, pastoral and societal understanding and vision for the ordained ministry of the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church. To foster ecumenical relations with other denominations. To work as a centre of study of the tradition, faith and teachings of the Syrian Orthodox Church.


Scholarship—character, knowledge and wisdom—with a Shepherd's heart.

Core Values

 Commitment to deep study, life application and effective communication of the Bible.
 Intimate relationship with God.
 Syriac language and tradition.
 Excellence in ministry.
 Cultural relevance and Social commitment.
 God-honoring family life.
 Christ-like character.
 Passion for evangelism and missions.
 Friendship and love.