News and Updates

The theological seminary established in Udayagiri, Mulanthuruty is a prestigious spiritual institution and milestone of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church, especially for its segment in India namely Malankara Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church The Syrian Orthodox Church has a profound history of theological education and scholasticism. Ancient Syriac medium theological schools of Edessa and Nissibis serve as testimonies to this fact and they were in a sense the first Christian universities for Christian theological education.
Read MoreThe welcoming program will be arranged on 25/7/24
The last date to receive the duly filled application form is 15th July 2024
Holy Episcopal Synod at MSOTS
His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II led the Holy Episcopal Synod convened at MSOTS on 5/2/2024.
Holy Apostolic Visit
His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II blessed the renovated complex of MSOTS on 5/2/24
WCC General Secretary Dr. Jerry Pillay Visits MSOT Seminary
The General Secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), Rev. Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay, was warmly welcomed by H.E. Joseph Mor Gregorios Metropolitan, H.E. Dr. Kuriakose Mor Theophilose Metropolitan, Very. Rev. Dr. Adai Jacob Corepiscopa and the Seminary Faculty on 3rd October 2023.
Seminary Convocation - 2023
The graduation ceremony of the BD 2018-2023 batch was held at St . Ephrem Chapel on 29 April 2023. HB Aboon Mor Baselios Thomas I Catholicos blessed the students and Fr. Dr. Sebastian Palamoot, Rector of Mangalapuzha Pontifical Seminary delivered the convocation message.
General Secretary of the National Council of Churches of India, Rev. Dr. Asir Ebenezer delivered a lecture regarding the current situation of the churches in India on 4th January 2023.
Gloria 2022
Christmas Eve of the Seminary Community, "Gloria 2022" was celebrated on 22/12/2022. H.B. Aboon Mor Baselius Thomas I Catholicose graciously blessed the occasion as the Chief Guest of the function and H.E. Mor Stephanos Geevarghese Metropolitan delivered the Christmas Message.
Library Week Inaguration
Fr. Bobby Jose Inaugurated Library week on 5th December 2022
Syriac Iconography Exhibition
An exhibition of Icons depicted by students and teachers were exhibited as a part of Library week on 9,10 December 2022
Convocation 2022
The convocation ceremony was held at St. Ephrem Seminary Chapel on conducted on 19 May 2022. Most Rev. Dr. Theodosius MarThoma Metropolitan was the chief guest. H.E. Mor Gregorios Joseph Metropolitan awarded the Diploma Certificates & H.E. Dr. Mor Theophilose Kuriakose Metropolitan commissioned the 23 graduates.
"GLORIA 2021"- the Christmas Eve of the MSOT Seminary Community was celebrated on 17/12/2021. H.B. Aboon Mor Baselius Thomas I Catholicose graciously blessed the occasion as the Chief Guest of the function. H.E. Mor Gregorious Joseph Metropolitan delivered the Christmas Message.
Palm Sunday
H.E. Dr. Kuriakose Theophilose Metropolitan led Hosanna Service at the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Theological Seminary on 28 March 2021
Visit by Patriarchal delegate
H. E. Mor Christomos Michael Shemavoon (Metropolitan for the patriarchal institutions in Lebanon) visited the Seminary on 12-02-2020.
Ecumenical Dialogue
The Ecumenical Dialogue between the Jacobite Syrian Church and the Catholic Church was held at MSOT Seminary on 9th December 2019. The meeting was co-chaired by Most Rev. Brian Farrel (Arch Bishop of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity) and H.E. Dr Kuriakose Mor Theophilose Metropolitan.
Smruthi Sangamam
Former members of Mor Ignatius Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Cathedral( Dubai) gathered together to share their good memories on 12th October 2019
Book Release
H.E. Mor Gregorios Joseph Metropolitan released the book titled “The Genocide of Syrian Christians in the Ottoman Turk Empire &split in Malankara church” written by John Mathew Narekkatt on 10.10.2019
Blessed visit by Metropolitan Trustee
MSOT Seminary community warmly welcomed the newly elected Metropolitan Trustee H.E. Mor Gregorios Joseph Metropolitan on 10.10.2019
Visit of Rev. Dr. Santnu K.Patro,Registrar of Senate of Serampore
The Registrar of Senate of Serampre University Rev. Dr. Santnu K. Patro visited the Seminary on 25th July 2019 and interacted with Faculty and students.
Book release
Two books written by the Spiritual Father of the Seminary, Rev. Fr. Shibu Kuttiparichel were released by H.E. Dr, Mor Theophilose Kuriakose Metropolitan on 27.06.2019
Convocation 2019
The Convocation ceremony of 10 students of the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Theological Seminary was held at St. Ephrem Chapel. H.E. Mor Thimotheos Thomas Metropolitan, the chief guest for the day, delivered the Convocation address and H.E. Mor Theophilose Kuriakose, the Resident Metropolitan of the Seminary presided over the funct
Shubukono Susrusha
'Shubukono Susrusha' at MSOT seminary on 4/3/ 2019. The Service of Reconciliation or Shubqono is conducted on Monday, the first day of the Great Lent, at the end of ninth hour. The service marks the actual doorway into Lent.
Feast of Saint Ephrem
Feast of Patron Saint Mor Ephrem was observed at St Ephrem Chapel on 1-2 March 2019. Principal V. Rev.Adai Jacob Corespiscopa celebrated the Holy Qurbono and Resident Metropolitan H.E. Dr Kuriakose Mor Theophilose gave the benedictory speech.
Delegates from Sweden
Arch Bishop H.E. Mor Dioscoros Benyamin Atas and delegates from Sweden visited the Seminary on 10-02-2019.
27th Dukhrono of L.L.Mor Theophilose Thomas(Moothedam) Metropolitan
27th Dukhrono of Late Lamented Mor Theophilose Thomas(Moothedam) Metropolitan was observed at Seminary Chapel on 12-01-2019. V.Rev. Shemavoon Ramban celebrated the Holy Qurbono and H.E. Dr. Mor Theophilose Kuriakose Metropolitan gave the Memorial speech.
Seminary community celebrated the Christmas eve- GLORIA 2018 at Seminary Garden on 19/12/2018
Convocation ceremony 2018
The Convocation ceremony of 17 students held at St. Ephrem Seminary Chapel. H.B. Aboon Mor Baselios Thomas I Catholicos Conferred the Seminary Diploma and H.G. Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan delivered the Convocation address.
Patriarchal Delegates Visit
H.E. Mor Philoxenos Mattias Nayis, Patriarchal vicar of Germany and the faithful from His Eminence's diocese visited the Seminary on 06/02/2018.
Release of the New Book: KOHANAITHO
His Beatitude Aboon Mor Baselius Thomas I Catholicos released the new book KOHANAITHO (published by the Publication dept. of MSOT Seminary) by giving a copy to Rev. Dr. Mathews Emmanuel Thathapudi.
Christmas eve - GLORIA 2017
Seminary community celebrated the Christmas eve- GLORIA 2017 on 22/12/2017. H.B. Aboon Mor Baselius Thomas I Catholicos led the Service & Chief Guest of the function Rev. Dr. Mathews Emmanuel Thathapudi delivered the Christmas Message.
Visit by BTESSC Secretary
Rev. Dr. Mathews Emmanuel Thathapudi(Secretary of Board of Theological Education of Senate of Serampore) visited the Seminary and interacted with students and faculty.
Honouring Dr. George P Abraham
Kerala Darsanavedi & Seminary Community honored renowned Urologist and Philanthropist Dr. George P Abraham on 23 October 2017 at Seminary Chapel.
Blessing Ceremony of the Aramana and Guest House
H:B Aboon Mor Baselius Thomas I Catholicose blessed the Bishop House cum Guest House complex on 14th Sept 2017 with the gracious presence of Metropolitan and other dignitaries.
Seminary Convocation 2017
The Convocation ceremony of 19 students of the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Theological Seminary held at St. Ephrem Chapel. The ceremony was graced by the presence of H.B. Aboon Mor Baselios Thomas I Catholicos and H.E. Dr. Mor Severios Abraham Metropolitan. His Beatitude awarded Diploma to the out g
Feast of Saint Ephrem
Seminary Community observed the Feast of Patron Saint Mor Ephrem on 18/19 April.
H.E. Mor Theophilos Georges Saliba Metropolitan's visit
Patriarchal Delegate His Eminence Mor Theophilos Georges Saliba Metropolitan (Archbishop of Mount Lebanon & Tripoli) visited the Seminary on 15 Feb 2017.
14th Theological Dialogue in Rome
The 14th meeting of the International Joint Commission For Theological Dialogue Between The Catholic Church and The Oriental Orthodox Churches Meeting took place in Rome from January 22-27 2017. H.E. Mor Theophilose George Saliba of Mount Lebanon and H.E. DR. Mor Theophilose Kuriakose from India,
25th Dukhrono of Aboon Thomas Mor Theophilose Metropolitan
25th Dukhrono of Late Lamented Aboon Thomas Mor Theophilose Metropolitan was observed at St. Ephrem Chapel (MSOT Seminary) on 12-01-17. Resident Metropolitan, H.E. Dr. Mor Theophilose Kuriakose celebrated the Holy Qurbono and delivered the Memorial Speech.
Christmas Eve 2016
The Christmas Eve of the Seminary Community was celebrated on 22 Dec 2016. The auspicious occasion was blessed by the gracious presence of HB Aboon Mor Baselius Thomas I Catholicos, HE Mor Gregorios Joseph Metropolitan, HE Mor Theophilose Kuriakose Metropolitan, HE Mor Anthimos Matthews Metropolit
11th Dhukrono of Late Lamented Mor Julius Yeshu Cicek Metropolitan
Seminary Community has observed the11th Dhukrono of Late Lamented Mor Julius Yeshu Cicek Metropolitan on 29 October 2016
Abouna Daoud Lamei and delegates from the Coptic Orthodox Church
A delegation representing the Coptic Orthodox Church led by Abouna Daoud Lamei visited the Seminary and given a lecture about 'Mission and Evangelism' on 5 Nov 2016.
13th Anniversary of Episcopal Consecration
On 13th Anniversary of Episcopal Consecration(29.09.2016) of H.E. Dr. Mor Theophilose Kuriakose Metropolitan, Seminary Community and Members from various spiritual organisations felicitated His Eminence.
Annual General Body Meeting 2016
The Annual General Body and Executive Committee meetings were convened on 30 August 2016.
Coptic Orthodox Church Members' Visit
The Bishop and members from Coptic Orthodox Church, Canada visited the Seminary and participated in the Evening Prayer on 12 August 2016.
Sponsors Meet 2016
A Sponsors Meet was organized in the honor of distinguished well-wishers, sponsors and contributors on 07 May 2016
Seminary Convocation 2016
The Convocation ceremony of 28 students of the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Theological Seminary was held on 16 April 2016 at St. Ephrem Chapel.
Christmas Celebration
Christmas Celebration was held at Seminary Garden on 19 Dec. 2015
Study tour to Mylapore
The Faculty and students visited Mylapore on 12th & 13th of November 2015. HE Mor Theophilose Kuriakose Metrpolitan celebrated the Holy Qurbana at San Thome Basilica where St. Thomas (The Apostle of India) entombed.
National Seminar
National Seminar on the 'Role of Women in the Christian Church: An Ecumenical Perspective' was held at Malankara Syrian Orthodox Theological Seminary on 14 July 2015
World Environment Day
Seminary Community observed the World Environment Day. HE Mor Theophilose Kuriakose Metropolitan blessed the occasion and started a fruit Garden by planting a pomegranate tree.
Seminary Convocation 2015
The Graduation ceremony was held at St. Ephrem Chapel on 21st April 2015. The gathering was presided over by H B Aboon Mor Baselios Thomas I Catholicose & Rev. Dr. Mathew Illathuparambil (Rector, St. Joseph Pontifical Seminary, Alwaye) delivered the Convocation address.
Blessed release of Hekamtho Journal's first Volume
His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aprem II Patriarch graciously released the first volume of Hekamtho Journal. Hekamtho is a biannual Academic Journal intended to share the Syrian Orthodox Church’s perspective on various theological, socio-cultural and missiological issues scholastica
Holy Apostolic Visit
H.H. Moran Mor Ignatius Aprem II visited MSOT Seminary on 12th February 2015.
Sorrowful Demise of Prof. Albert Rauch
MSOT Seminary grieves the deep sorrowful demise of Prof. Dr. Albert Rauch (1933-2015), a well-wisher of the Seminary. He was the founder and Rector of the Institute for Oriental Churches(1968-2013) in Regensburg. Father Albert had a special love for Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church.
Dukrono of Mor Thomas Theophilose Metropolitan
Seminary Community observed the 22nd Dhukrono of H.E. Thomas Mor Theophilose Metropolitan on 12th January 2015.
Ecumenical Bishops' Conference at Rome
H.E.Dr. Kuriakose Mor Theophilose Metropolitan presented a paper on the "Eucharist - The Mystery of Communion. A Syrian Orthodox Perspective " on the International Ecumenical Bishops' Conference held at Rome.
Dhukrono of H.E. Mor Julius Yeshu Cicek
Seminary Community observed the Dhukrono of H.E. Mor Julius Yeshu Cicek.
V. Rev. Michael Ramban celebrated the Holy Qurbono and Prof. Fr. George M. Vadath gave the Memorial Speech.
Syriac Research Centre and Bishop's House
The foundation stone of Syriac Institute and Bishop House was laid down on 19.10.2014 by H.G. Dr. Mor Theophilose Kuriakose
Visit by WCC delegates
WCC Programme Ececutive for Interreligious Dialogue Dr. Clare Amos and Dr. Alen Amos visited Seminary.
Kothamangalam Pilgrimage
A Pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Yeldho Mor Baselius Bava, Kothamangalam was held on 2nd October, 2014.
11 years of Blessed Episcopacy
Seminary community celebrated the joyous occasion of 11th year of Episcopal Consecration of Resident Metropolitan on 29 Sept 2014.
Annual General Body and Executive Meetings
The Annual General Body and Executive Meetings were convened on 27 September at MSOT Seminary.
Annual Picnic@ Alappuzha
The "day out" was blessed by the presence of our Resident Metropolitan, Principal Achan, and the other faculty members.It was made even more special by the excellent hospitality shown by the members of St. George Simhasana Church, Alappuzha.
A New Website for M.S.O.T. Seminary
Malankara Syrian Orthodox Seminary rejuvenated its website and it was graciously launched by Resident Metropolitan of the Seminary. Principal Rev. Dr. Adai Jacob Corepiscopa felicitated this new venture made by the Communication dept. of the Seminary.
New Lecture Hall Inaugurated
New Lecture hall of our seminary inagurated by H.E. Dr. Mor Theophilose Kuriakose Metropolitan in the presence of V. Rev. Adai Jacob Corepiscopa and all the faculty members.
Human Welfare forum
Seminary students initiative, Moran Mor Ignatius Zakka Iwas Human Welfare forum offered voluntary work at Kothamangalam Taluk Hospital on 9 Aug 2014.
Rev. Dr. Mathew Vellanickal
Seminary was honored by the presence of renowned NT Scholar Rev. Dr Mathew Vellanickal who gave a talk on "Exegetical Analysis of the Gospel".