Syrian Orthodox Theological Journal
With great pleasure we would like to inform you that our seminary has decided to publish a bi-annual theological & academic journal titled Hekamtho (Wisdom). The first volume is dedicated to Syriac language and traditions. It is planned to be released on December 2014.
Chief Editor
H.G. Dr. Kuriakose Mor Theophilose
Fr. Dr. Ajiyan George
Editorial Board
Rev. Dr. Adai Jacob Corepiscopa
Prof. Fr. George M. Vadath, Prof. Fr. Shibu Cherian
Prof. Fr. Daniel Thattarayil, Fr. Roy Chacko
Fr. Sajan T. John, Fr. Thomas Abraham
Fr. Saju Pottayil, Fr. Dr. Prince Paulose,Rev. Dn. Anish K. Joy,
Prof. Joseph Mattam